From the Fanny Farmer Cookbook; this is a simple delicious recipe. As I have recently learned, homemade stuffing is really easy to make. For a nice presentation...
Simple yet very tasty dish! Originally found on the internet. I add a little more cream (personal preference) :) Its great with just white rice to serve...
Roast chicken is great, because not only do you have one meal right there, you get to use the leftover meat for sandwiches, taco salad, soup, stir-fry,...
Bonnie Stern has done it again. Another splendid recipe, and so very easy to make. I highly recommend following her directions for flattening the
Absolutely divine. This recipe comes from Weber's Big Book of Grilling, which is our grill bible. Be sure when you truss the bird that you secure the cavity...
This recipe is from Kraft. Very easy and delicious meal. The recipe calls for a packaged stuffing mix; however, you may use Recipe #134834 and make your...
This chicken tastes very much like rotisserie chicken sold in most grocery stores. The flavour is great, and the meat is so tender it practically falls...
This is an original recipe by Jeff Smith, from the cookbook "The Frugal Gourmet". Use for Chicken with Leeks and Cream recipe, as well as other recipes...
This is a recipe from my mother (who yes is Chinese). I loved this chicken as a kid and couldn't believe how simple this recipe is. This comes out so crispy...
Quick and easy to prepare, and so tasty! I have it cooking right now, and the smell is making me wish it was dinner time already! It goes great with Recipe...
A great method for cooking a perfect whole roast chicken - no dried out breast meat and no half raw leg and thigh meat, just moist chicken with crispy,...
The third Sunday in July is "Pollo a la Brasa Day" in Peru (Día del Pollo a la Brasa). Like pisco and ceviche, pollo a la brass is a very important component...
This is my favorite roast chicken b/c it is a little unexpected. Make sure you have a shot of grand marnier while cooking...that is the ritual in our house...
This chicken is absolutely delicious and moist. Its' slightly sweet flavor & sauce keeps everyone asking for more. I always serve it over a bed of rice...
I haven't tried this yet, but these are supposed to be the same as the Cracker Barrel meal which I LOVE. It's just chicken and dumplings and creamy white...
Usually, the Tandoori chicken is made with cut up chicken. The original recipe stems from Mumtaz Khan at Mumtaz Paan House in Bradford, England, but has...
This is even better than the whole chickens that you purchase at the deli, I have made this many times on my indoor and outdoor rotisserie --- this is...
Don't be put off by the recipe length- it's actually quite easy and makes a really elegant meal. The garlic is not overpowering- the chicken gets a very...
Fix this for a special dinner to impress your guests or for a romantic dinner for the one you love. You may need to decrease the sage if the stuffing mix...
Al-Kabsa is considered a national dish from Saudi Arabia. This is my tasty adaption of a recipe found on I serve this...
I got this recipe several years ago from a church cookbook and I have made it so many times. My family loves it. It can be made up and refrigerated over...
This is with cherry preserves, from Penzey's Spices. They had it in their recipes for 4th of July. Even my picky DH, who doesn't like fruit in his main...
There's no better smell than that of a chicken roasting in the oven. Add garlic and onions and fresh herbs. This practically screams to be made for a family...
This is from Weber's "Real Grilling" cookbook and it has great flavour. I bought a beer can chicken stand (they're quite cheap)which makes the can and...
I found this recipe in a church cookbook from Louisianna (the submitter learned to make it in a cooking class called Creole Delicacies). The recipe didn't...
Very moist turkey from Bon Appetit Every-Night Cooking. The turkey roasts on a bed of caramelized onions that mixes with the turkey drippings to make a...
When my Grandma King was teaching me to make chicken and dumplings, I tried to write down the recipe. -- rolls eyes--. She never measured anything, I was...
I looked in the fridge tonight and all I could find was a small bit of roast chicken and some veggies. I decided to give this method of making chicken...
My Mom used to make this all the time in the oven. However I have changed it to lower the fat content and tried it in my crock pot. It worked out wonderful...
This is the way I do my rotisserie chicken on my outdoor grill, and I most always do two or three whole chickens, you may use a larger roaster chicken...